Witness, 2024
Trinidad Carrillo
Carrillo recently released the book Oneiromance. In the exhibition at Exercishallen, she shows a new work,Witness – a video work that takes off from one of the threads where the book ended and connects to the immediate present.
Once opened, this book lures the mind into liminal space, a twilight zone where the living and the dead, in a strange symbiosis with plants, might see each other through a glass, darkly. And talk, lost in dreams. There is a sense of foreboding in some passages where text and image confront each other, but also pages where playfulness seems to spring eternal -like hope-, to the delight of the perplexed who wade through words, caught in the whirligig of invention, while glowing colours vibrate in the stillness of a beach at the end of the world and one is invited to revel in mindscapes of uprooted, unspoken, uncanny beauty. /Jorge Villacorta
In a time defined by the urgency of loss, and by the experience of division, extinction and obliteration in the instant the flame lasts, it might seem risky or evasive to take refuge in dreams, or in the melodies that the master plants sing, but I believe that the path that Trinidad is proposing is the opposite of escapism. In dreams, and in what they reveal to us, we are in conversation with ourselves and therefore, in other worlds, perhaps we can imagine another reality to add to our own. /Jimena Ledgard

In Trinidad Carrillo’s world, magic is natural. Her work often depicts the gap between dream and wakefulness, between the outer and the inner. Carrillo works with an indefinable eerieness that is at times difficult to dwell in. She just released the artist book Oneiromance (the art of divination in dreams) with 96 colour photographs and 13 hypnagogic texts from between 2015-2020. Some of the lyrics have become songs that she performs as Pentapolar Birds, her musical practice. Carrillo is a Swedish-peruvian artist educated at the School of Photography in Gothenburg. She has permanent installations commissioned by The National Public Art Council in Sweden. She has exhibited her body of work across Europe, the Americas and Korea.