Talks & Conversations

Friday 6th of September 

19.00 Grand opening at Landskrona Konsthall

20.30 Pentapolar Birds on the stage at Exercishallen

“The birds around my head are also dragons. Pentapolar Birds is a physical and mentally experience of the process of life. Is words painting pictures happening through my body.

Trinidad Carrillo is a multidisciplinary artist best known for her photographic exhibitions and books. Under her persona Pentapolar Birds she also writes and performs songs given to her by those birds that sometimes manage to find her frequency and come through. Whatever she undertakes, it is to convey something from the magical realm that runs parallel and hand in hand with this one.”

Saturday 7th of September 

11.00-12.15 Walk and Talk Join the artists on a guided tour of the outdoor exhibitions by EMMA SARPANIEMI and PACIFICO SILANO. Starting point at the stage in Slottsparken.

11.30-13.00 Book release of Global Photographies. Duncan Wooldridge and Lucy Soutter in conversation with Nina Mangalanayagam, Tanvi Mishra and Àgnes Bàshty at Exercishallen. READ MORE

13.15-14.15 How to run a Swedish Photomagazine since 1888. Presentation and mingel with Fotografisk Tidskrifts Editor-in-chief Jenny Morelli and Simon Mlangeni-Berg, chairman of the Photo Authors within the Swedish Photographers Association. READ MORE

14.30-15.00 Cecilia Grönberg and Jonas (J) Magnusson in conversation about their book BILDAKTIVISTERNA at Exercishallen READ MORE

14.45-15.30 Greta Alfaro in conversation with
Jenny Lindhe at Landskrona Citadell. READ MORE

15.15 – 16.00 Johan Malmberg in conversation with Kent Klich, Nora Lorek and Paul Hansen at Exercishallen. READ MORE

15.45-17.25 Curator Christine Eyene in conversation with the artists Joy Gregory and Miki Nitadori at Landskrona Konsthall. READ MORE

16.10-16.40 4 x book release with artists Lotta Törnroth, Rikard Laving, Ela Polkowska and Emanuel Cederqvist at Exercishallen. READ MORE

16.45-17.15 The Italian Cultural Institute in Stockholm presents their residency Nuove Traiettorie offered to one of the finalists of the Luigi Ghirri Prize at Exercishallen. READ MORE

17.30–17.50 Presentation of this year’s Lewenhaupt scholar by Tonie Lewenhaupt and Jenny Nordquist followed by an artist talk by the scholar Elsa Gregersdotter at Exercishallen. READ MORE 

18.00-18.20 Presentation of this year’s Landskrona Foto & Breadfield Dummy Award winner Lin Wei-Lun at Exercishallen.

18.30-19.00 3 x book release with artists Maja Daniels, Charlie Hay and Erik Berglin at Exercishallen. READ MORE

19.15-20.30 PECHA KUCHA Speed presentation where a number of photographers present their latest work. Each photographers show 20 images, 20 seconds per image. A total of 6 minutes and 20 seconds to tell the story behind their photographs at Exercishallen. READ MORE

20.40-22.00 Fasaan Recordings on the stage at Exercishallen

Fasaan Recordings is a Malmö-based record label and music collective that has been releasing eclectic dance and listening music on vinyl since 2011. In addition to numerous releases with both local and international artists, the collective has hosted radio residencies for LYL, Dublab, and Mutant Radio. Since its inception, members of the collective have headlined performances as DJs and live artists across Europe, from Dekmantel in Tisno to Salon Des Amateurs in Düsseldorf, and from Ekkofestivalen in Bergen to Minimüzikhol in Istanbul.

True to their tradition, their musical compass points leftward, and this evening, two of the label’s artists—Prins Emanuel and Moisture—will offer a mix of dub, wave, and industrial-Balearica from both past and present.

Sunday 8th of September 

11.00-12.15 Walk and Talk Join the artists on a guided tour of the outdoor exhibitions by GIOVANNA PETROCCHI, LEONARD SURYAJAYA and ALFREDO BLASQUEZ. Starting point at Rådhuset.

12.00-14.00 3 x talks by FRANCE PHOTOBOOK at Exercishallen
1. A presentation of France Photobook made by Salambô Goudal.
Book signing and talk between photographer Thierry Ardouin and curator Nathalie Chapuis. READ MORE
3. No one Left to Blame
A talk between artist Charlie Hay and gallerist Rasmus Vasli about Charlie’s long-term project and book No One Left to Blame, and how to photograph and create a dialogue around difficult subject matters. The book was published by La Maison de Z.

12.30-13.15 Guided tour by the curator Catlin Langford of the group exhibition Mother Country at Landskrona Foto / Tyghuset. READ MORE

14.15-14.45 Ashik Zaman in conversation with SOFIA RUNARSDOTTER at Exercishallen. READ MORE

15.00-15.30 Presentation about the collaborative project The Exposed Eye by artists Helga Härenstam and Anna Strand at Exercishallen. READ MORE

15.45-16.25 Grab a drink and join the fun, fifteen years of partying & publishing! READ MORE

Thursday 12th of September 

18.00-20.30 Film screening of Outgrow the System at Landskrona Stadsbibliotek READ MORE

Saturday 14th of September 

13.00-14.00 Håkan Karlsson in conversation with Hans Jonsson about his exhibition En dag i taget in Café Nell Walden at Landskrona Museum READ MORE

Wednesday 18th of September

10-11 Visual editing – Lecture by graphic designer Teun van der Heijden READ MORE

Saturday 21st of September 

11.00-12.00 Thomas H Johnsson & Angelica Elliott in conversation about picturing the everyday, home, friends and family at Landskrona Stadsbibliotek READ MORE