Roland Bengtsson (1951-2018) was a loved and unmistakable photographer at Helsingborgs Dagblad for 25 years. His special eye for unconventional snapshots was not to be mistaken, his gentle look at marginalised people or at all of us who lived under the dramatic clouds full of contrasts that we came to call Roland Bengtsson-clouds.
Roland won prizes for Årets Bild (Image of the Year) and could have chosen to work at other horizons. But he chose to stay at the newspaper and in the years between 1985 and 2010 he took his distinctive images of the home town Landskrona and the provinces surrounding it. It is a treasure of images waiting to be exposed by virtue of merit.
As a smaller, first part of this exhibition, we asked Janne Jönsson to choose an image suite to honour Roland. He found a collection of images from the seventies and the eighties that he liked, one of images of the then freelance photographer’s travels to London together with his colleague and writer Hans-Göran Boklund.